Friday, May 23, 2014

NutriTip (1): SEEDS

Greetings fellow human beings,

So as a part of my promise to provide new content I will be posting a new series of posts called "NutriTip" which are nutritional information and advise that can be of interest to any one aiming towards enhancing their every day life, whether be it for fitness or just the soul purpose of eating and feeling better.

Today's tip is where every fruit sprouts from, SEEDS.

I came to realize that while my diet has been fairly well-rounded, I was lacking the input of seeds in my digestion system.

Why have them?

Let's take the flax seed for example, which I will start incorporating to my diet starting today:

Flax seed is an ancient crop that dates back to the Mesopotamian times, so even humans from such ancient time realized its health benefits.

Flax seeds are an excellent source for dietary fibers which we may sometimes neglect or forget about. They are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which aid lowering blood-pressure, prevent colon and prostate cancer and increase bone mineral density.

Not only that, but they are also an excellent source of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant.

When can you have them? 

Flax seed can be found in super markets all year round because they are easy to cultivate. Storing whole seeds can be done in a cool dry place for months, but ground seeds should be kept in an airtight container or jar in the fridge to avoid spoilage.

I am going to start having those today, what about you?


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New content coming soon!

Hello there,

So I came to realize that my last post was published last February, and a very close fitness partner noted that I should get back into blogging after stumbling on my humble electronic blog, and that I shall get back to in the very near future.

I am currently doing a hybrid program of road running and Asylum volume 1&2 workouts (done by coach Brandon) , as well as playing football twice a week.

Post MRR half-marathon hamstring injury and recent ankle strain were minor obstacles in the past few months to my ever growing quest towards having a healthier, fitter physique but I like the way things are flowing at the moment.

I'm eager to see how things will turn out, for me and for you.

All the best,
